Saturday, December 05, 2015

physics...........solids & fluids......only question.

Q.1. a)  Explain stress-strain relationship for a loaded steel wire. 
b)  Define the following terms: 
i)  Yield point 
ii)  Tensile strength 
iii)  Elastic limit
Q.2.State Hook’s law. 
If the length and diameter of two wires made up of same material are in the ratio 1:2 each, what is 
the ratio of their Young’s Modulus?
Q.3.Write & prove Bernoulis theorem /
Q.4. Define coefficient of viscosity?
Q.5.Define surface tension ? explain why pressure difference is more in a bubble than a drop?
Q.6 Write Pascals law of pressure ?
Q.7. Define terminal velocity ? Using stokes law derive the expression of terminal velocity ?

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